Students walking on campus walkways

Student Experience

Mount Holyoke is where you will discover your passions — and your people: a campus filled with beautiful spaces that foster a close-knit community of individuals; a place where traditions span generations and connect you to people from all different backgrounds; a community of classmates, 老师和工作人员欢迎你做你自己,挑战你成为你最充分实现的自我. 你们在这里建立的纽带将伴随你们一生.

Experience our campus

Students entering the community center
The Mount Holyoke Experience

Life on campus

我们的校园旨在将人们聚集在一起——因为谈话从这里开始, a lasting connection, big idea or plan of action can take flight.



Be Well是芒特霍利奥克大学的健康项目,它为你提供策略和机会,让你创造自己的健康之路.

Find your place at Mount Holyoke

一个多元、包容、公平的社会是一个强大的社会. 这就是为什么我们积极努力创造一个环境,让来自历史上被边缘化群体和资源不足社区的学生感到归属感.

We advance Dr. 马丁·路德·金的“爱的社区”的概念,通过培养一个包容和社会公正的校园环境.



我们为在美国生活的没有美国签证的学生提供强有力的支持.S. citizenship or legal permanent residency.

我们努力为各种能力的学生提供充分的教育机会, employment, services, technology, programs and activities.

我们的文化中心促进了深思熟虑的宣传,并在盟友和非洲学生之间建立了深厚的联系, Asian, Latinx, LGBTQIA+, Native American and more.

Programs for every part of you

You’re more than just a student. 你是一个艺术家,一个运动员,一个创造者,一个活动家等等. 校园占地800英亩,有100多个学生组织和音乐会, parties, exhibits, 特别的活动和演讲者——你将能够追求所有让你成为自己的兴趣.

A group of students who worked at the Food Bank

Endless ways to get involved

我们社区的一个优势是参与的多样性和看似无穷无尽的可能性. With over 100 student organizations to join, 你可以结识新朋友,建立新关系.


Traditions and annual events

从毕业典礼到牛奶和饼干再到桂冠游行, 传统和年度活动使社区更紧密地联系在一起,创造难忘的时刻,持续一生.

A collage of students partipating in the arts

The arts at Mount Holyoke

你是否想从事某一特定艺术形式的职业, 简单地体验新事物的令人振奋的挑战,或者对你一直喜欢的艺术形式进行更深入的研究, there’s a place in the MHC arts community for you.


Fimbel Maker & Innovation Lab

Turn your ideas into tangible reality. The Fimbel Lab brings together the tools, people, 和资源来支持你的项目,你可能从来没有考虑过.

The swimming and diving team in a huddle

Division III athletics

霍利奥克山大学参加了13项校际运动和各种俱乐部运动, including rugby and ice hockey.


Nationally renowned Equestrian Program


Opportunities and resources

听现在的学生谈论买球和五学院地区. And know that whatever your thing is, you’ll find it here.

Five College Consortium

As a Mount Holyoke student, 你可以利用附近四个校区的所有社交机会:阿默斯特学院, Hampshire College, 史密斯学院和马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校.  这五所大学都有免费巴士连接,所以很容易探索它们.

Explore the consortium

Study abroad

在校外学习可以帮助你获得全球视野, 在当今相互联系的世界中取得成功的知识和技能. 从50个国家的150多个项目中进行选择.

Discover study abroad

Campus Voices

The Mount Holyoke student experience